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Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis Dysfunction and Metabolic Derangements in Thai Childhood Leukemia Survivors

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2020; 41(05): 688-694

DOI: DOI: 10.4103/ijmpo.ijmpo_238_19


Aims: To determine the prevalence and severity of endocrine and metabolic derangements in childhood-onset ALL survivors from Thailand and to describe the associated risk factors. Settings and Design: Paediatric department in medical school hospital, cross-sectional study. Methods: Insulin Tolerance Test (ITT), IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels, Thyroid and gonadal function, serum sodium and metabolic profiles were investigated in 30 childhood onset ALL survivors. (16 males, 14 females, mean age: 14.66 ± 7.16 years). Results: Endocrine abnormalities were displayed in 73.33 % of patients, 46.7% had two or more abnormalities. Grade3 of severity were present in 16.67%. Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) was detected in 10 patients (33%). Early onset of ALL was the potential risk factor of GHD. Adult height was more deteriorated in the female group. Twenty percent of patients were found with subnormal cortisol responses. Gonadal failure was evidenced in one case that experienced testicular irradiation. No diabetes insipidus was detected. Among 6 obese patients, 2 patients developed metabolic syndrome. Moreover, one patient was diagnosed with insulin-depleted diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: Our results highlighted various endocrine and metabolic sequelae occurring in childhood-onset ALL survivors after completion of their therapy. The prevalence of GHD was higher than the one previously described in Japan population. Subclinical hormonal abnormalities may affect health outcomes. Biochemical and hormonal abnormalities should be carefully monitored for immediate treatment.


Aims: To determine the prevalence and severity of endocrine and metabolic derangements in childhood-onset ALL survivors from Thailand and to describe the associated risk factors. Settings and Design: Paediatric department in medical school hospital, cross-sectional study. Methods: Insulin Tolerance Test (ITT), IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels, Thyroid and gonadal function, serum sodium and metabolic profiles were investigated in 30 childhood onset ALL survivors. (16 males, 14 females, mean age: 14.66 ± 7.16 years). Results: Endocrine abnormalities were displayed in 73.33 % of patients, 46.7% had two or more abnormalities. Grade3 of severity were present in 16.67%. Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) was detected in 10 patients (33%). Early onset of ALL was the potential risk factor of GHD. Adult height was more deteriorated in the female group. Twenty percent of patients were found with subnormal cortisol responses. Gonadal failure was evidenced in one case that experienced testicular irradiation. No diabetes insipidus was detected. Among 6 obese patients, 2 patients developed metabolic syndrome. Moreover, one patient was diagnosed with insulin-depleted diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: Our results highlighted various endocrine and metabolic sequelae occurring in childhood-onset ALL survivors after completion of their therapy. The prevalence of GHD was higher than the one previously described in Japan population. Subclinical hormonal abnormalities may affect health outcomes. Biochemical and hormonal abnormalities should be carefully monitored for immediate treatment.

Figure 1: Peak of Growth hormone (μg/L) in ITT
As shown in [Figure 2] and [Figure 3], IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels reached the normal age-related reference range (−2SD to + 2SD) and the IGF-I z-score was strongly correlated to IGFBP-3 z-score (P = 0.000581). Patients diagnosed with GHD displayed lower IGF-I z-score (−0.50 ± 0.972) and IGFBP-3 z-score (−0.20 ± 1.033) compared with subjects from the non-GHD group (0.05 ± 1.146, 0.05 ± 0.887, respectively. FAH (or PAH) SDS showed no statistical correlation with GHD, IGF-I z-score and IGFBP-3 z-score.

Figure 2: Insulin-like growth factor-I (ng/mL) in age-matched reference curve

Figure 3: Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (mcg/ml) in agematched reference curve

Thyroid axis

One female with infantile ALL was diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism but without evidence of goiter or family history of autoimmune thyroiditis. She did not receive CRT. The thyroid dysfunction of this subject was characterized by TSH, FT4 and FT3 serum concentrations of17.73 mU/L, FT4 1.24 ng/dL and FT3 3.34 pg/mL, respectively. Antibodies to thyroglobulin and thyroperoxidase were not detected.

Gonadal function

Primary hypogonadism, low testosterone and high LH, FSH, was evidenced in one male patient who experienced two courses of chemotherapy, testicular biopsy and testicular irradiation due to testicular relapse. This subject did not show any signs of puberty at 14.8 years old.

Central precocious puberty was found in 2 of 14 female patients, both of whom underwent low dose CRT. Spontaneous puberty and menarche were observed in other female patients appropriately with their Tanner pubertal staging.

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis

Six out of 30 subjects (20%) developed subnormal cortisol response (cortisol peak < 18 μg/dL) in ITT. No correlation was found between cortisol peak and the onset age of ALL, range of follow-up years after treatment completion or CRT. None of the patients displayed impaired HPA axis (cortisol peak <=4 μg/dL).

Diabetes insipidus

None of the participants had a history of polyuria, polydipsia or had hypernatremia suggestive of DI.

Obesity and metabolic disturbances

One female and three males out of 30 patients (16.67%) were considered obese whereas one female and one male were overweight. All of them underwent CRT for CNS prophylaxis.

One out of 30 patients was recently diagnosed with DM. He had a normal BMI together with mild symptoms of polyuria and polydipsia. The patient's blood test showed no evidence of hyperinsulinism according to the levels of fasting insulin.

Five out of 30 patients (16.66%) had hypertriglyceridemia (TG ≥ 150 mg/dL) while 10 out of 30 patients (33.33%) had reduced HDL. No patient in the study group developed systolic or diastolic hypertension [Table 2]. Two out of 30 patients (6.67%) were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome due to high TG and low HDL.

Table 2 Metabolic profiles


With an average follow-up of 6 years, this study revealed that 73.33% of Thai leukemia survivors showed endocrine and metabolic derangement. The point prevalence was 33.33% for GHD, 20% for subnormal cortisol responses, 3.33% for subclinical hypothyroidism, 33.33% reduced HDL and 16.67% for obesity.

GHD was demonstrated in one-third of the patients and this prevalence was much higher than the one previously reported in Japan (2.8%),[12] but lower than the frequency measured in a large US cohort (46.5%).[27] This might be caused by the different method of GH assessment and also could be due to fewer subjects in our study. Nevertheless, the IGF-I and IGF-BP3 serum concentrations in our GHD cases were low to normal and height SDS was not compromised significantly. These data suggest that ALL treatment marginally reduced pituitary function at the level of GH production and/or secretion. Survivors with ALL onset appearing in the first 5 years of life were at risk of GHD, as described previously.[27] Therefore, continuous screening and subsequent treatment for GHD disorder should be implemented. Untreated GHD is commonly associated with abdominal obesity, low muscle mass, low energy expenditure, muscle weakness, and poor exercise tolerance over the following years.[28]

A previous study in Thailand[29] demonstrated that girls completing their ALL treatment had less adult height deficit than boys, resulting from more consistent weight gain. Conversely, in our population, we found remarkable decrease in height of female patients, which could be explained by the phenomenon of early onset puberty which is more commonly observed in female than male patients.

Abnormal thyroid function due to primary and secondary hypothyroidism has been reported after high dose CRT and even during a long period of time after treatment completion.[30] In our study, most patients received CRT at a lower dose (18 Gy) and only two received higher doses (36 and 39 Gy). However, all of them had normal thyroid function test results during our 4 year-10 month follow-up. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to screen this thyroid disorder over a longer period as central hypothyroidism could arise at any time following treatment.[31] One female with subclinical hypothyroidism of unknown origin had been treated with CRT and did not develop thyroid-specific autoantibodies. The etiology of her subclinical hypothyroidism is inconclusive.

Reproductive abnormalities could result from direct damage of the gonads by systemic chemotherapy, alteration of the HP -gonad axis and cancerous cell infiltration in the gonad.[2] One out of 16 male patients suffered from gonadal failure due to testicular relapse, a direct effect of testicular irradiation and repeated course of chemotherapy. Consequently, long-term reproductive analysis including sperm cell counting and fertility rate should be monitored in all male survivors. In female patients, 2 of 14 patients (14.28%) were diagnosed with precocious puberty. This abnormality can be associated with low-dose CRT.[32] None of the female patients from our study were reported with delayed puberty or primary amenorrhea. Nevertheless, we cannot exclude the development of other late effects such as pregnancy rate and premature menopause during a longer follow-up.

In this study, 6 subnormal cortisol responses (20% of all patients) were detected. Five of these 6 subjects were female. Although female gender seems to have poorer cortisol increment in testing, this observation remains to be explained and should be further investigated.[8],[33] Clinical signs and symptoms of adrenal insufficiency as well as a record of adrenal crisis were not evidenced in subjects with subnormal cortical response. However, glucocorticoid supplementation during major stress is considered to prevent consequences of adrenal crisis.

In agreement with previously reported studies, none of the participants suffered from DI.[34],[35] It must be pointed out that, in ALL survivors, DI does not usually result from hypothalamic and pituitary tumors because standard ALL treatment protocols are commonly based on cranial irradiation.

Some evidences suggest that cancer survivors in general and particularly survivors of childhood ALL are highly susceptible to develop metabolic syndrome.[15] Metabolic syndrome is a significant risk factor for further cardiovascular disease and DM.[36] Our present data highlighted that reduced HDL (33.33%) is the most common of metabolic disturbance which could represent the first emerging metabolic complication in childhood ALL survivors.

One patient of our cohort, without family history of DM but having mild symptoms of diabetes and no signs of insulin resistance, was newly diagnosed with DM. The measured insulin level (5.6 mU/L) and the absence of anti-GAD autoantibodies suggested that the etiology of DM for this patient resulted from pancreatic β-cell deterioration.[37]


The present study described the higher prevalence of subclinical abnormalities of metabolic and hormonal profiles than previously reported findings among Asian population. These disorders will negatively influence the health and quality of life of ALL survivors in the future. A systematic and periodic monitoring of growth parameters, GH axis, adrenal function and obesity is consequently recommended for all childhood-onset ALL survivors.

Conflict of Interest

There are no conflicts of interest.


This research was supported by Chula Quality Improvement Fund, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, The Thai Red Cross society.


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Address for correspondence

Dr. Chansuda Bongsebandhu-phubhakdi
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University and King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
1873 Rama 4 Rd., Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

Publication History

Received: 28 November 2019
Accepted: 19 June 2020
Article published online:
17 May 2021

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Figure 1: Peak of Growth hormone (μg/L) in ITT

Figure 2: Insulin-like growth factor-I (ng/mL) in age-matched reference curve

Figure 3: Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (mcg/ml) in agematched reference curve

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